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To create wealth and jobs, IFPEN's research is focused on innovation. IFPEN's originality and strength lie in its ability to ensure continuity between fundamental research, applied research and innovation. Its work on a sustainable energy mix aims to lead to economically and energy competitive solutions.

IFPEN researchers develop processes, equipment, software and services through R&I programs in four main areas:

The development of the results of its R&I is at the heart of IFPEN's business model. The technological transfer to industry of the solutions it develops is reflected by:

  • an active patent filing and licensing out policy; 
  • partnerships with major groups as well as start-ups, SMEs and intermediate-sized companies;
  • collaborations with the shareholdings and subsidiaries of the IFP group, which brings together leading companies worldwide and young innovative companies.

Through all these actions, IFPEN supports the competitiveness of companies and promotes the development of mobility, energy and eco-industries sectors. It thus contributes to French and European economic activity. 

More than 50% of IFPEN's resources come from the industrial development of its research


« Developing the results of our R&I is part of our DNA. This model has proven its worth in our long-standing sectors of activity, with the creation of industrial flagships. It can now meet the need for new sectors in the fields of eco-industries and sustainable mobility. We are focusing our efforts in this direction, with the creation and acquisition of equity stakes in companies focused on these areas. »

Nathalie Alazard-Toux, IFPEN

Nathalie Alazard-Toux, Director of the Industrial Development Business Unit, IFPEN