Our fundamental research is underpinned by a scientific policy, which itself is hinged around the principal objectives of:
- dealing with the complexity of systems via a multiscale approach,
- formulating, developing and consolidating knowledge models via a combination of experimentation, modeling and simulation;
- enabling the development of innovative solutions,
- promoting the emergence of disruptive innovations by reinforcing creativity, cross-functionality, exchange and multidisciplinary synergies,
- participating in the drawing up of French and European programs via active involvement in the SFRI (French Research and Innovation System) and the ERA (European Research Area),
- reinforcing partnerships of excellence with the national and international scientific community.
The pillar of our scientific policy, fundamental research is structured around nine scientific challenges.
Moreover, IFPEN is one of the driving forces behind the open, free and unlimited access to publications and associated data within the French and European research landscape. This approach fosters the sharing and comparison of research results, thereby contributing to the acceleration of the innovation process and research excellence.
To this end, IFPEN has an open archive (HAL-IFPEN), publishes the STET (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR ENERGY TRANSITION) and makes available to the community some open source software, such as the plug Im! open platform dedicated to signal and image processing.
IFPEN’s research activities are conducted within a framework of ethics and scientific integrity. IFPEN is committed to implementing a rigorous and objective scientific approach when conducting its research activities, either alone or in partnership.
In 2018, having signed up to the “National Ethics Charter of the Research Professions”, IFPEN drew up a scientific integrity policy to reflect this commitment in its internal rules. Moreover, IFPEN’s General Management has designated a “scientific integrity” officer responsible for:
- promoting good practices in terms of obtaining and publishing research results,
- employee training and awareness raising (targeting new employees, PhD students and their supervisors in particular),
- putting in place the procedures required to detect and deal with any breaches of scientific integrity.
This officer is an active member of the French national network of scientific integrity officers within which he contributed to the drafting of the “Guide for reporting and dealing with breaches relating to scientific integrity”, published at the start of 2019 by the French Office for Integrity in Science (OFIS).