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Within the context of its outward-looking approach, IFPEN works to ensure its knowledge and developments are available to the scientific community. To this end, it has already provided free access to its plug im! software platform. Other software solutions are set to follow in 2019. 

PLUG IM! Platform

The plug im! platform is a signal, image and 3D volume processing platform providing access to advanced functionalities as simply as possible. This platform is freely available on an open access basis for the scientific community.

It is easy to develop new modules for the platform using any programing language. The platform has benefited from feedback from non-signal and image processing specialists gathered over a period of use of more than 7 years. Plug im! is the fruit of IFPEN’s research and addresses the objectives of scientific challenge 4 relating to the processing of large volumes of data.

Watch videos on the plug im! platform.