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Research engineer / project leader
Holder of an Engineering Graduate Degree in General Engineering from the "Ecole Polytechnique" (Palaiseau – France) and a Specialized Engineering Graduate Degree in Petroleum Engineering and Project
Issue 41 of Science@IFPEN
News in brief

Multiphase reactive flow simulation: developments and applications in the field of combustion (HDR 2015)

The scientific field concerned by my HDR research is the 3D numerical modeling of two-phase combustion, combining research on turbulent combustion and the preparation of the reactive mixture. Building
News in brief

IFPEN/Inria partnership: digital technology at the heart of innovation

Digital technologies are playing an increasingly important role in solving industrial problems. IFPEN forged a partnership with Inria. Five years later, we look back over this fruitful partnership.
Science@ifpen n°35
News in brief

Power in unity: a new approach to simulate complex flows

Science@ifpen n°33
News in brief

Wind turbines have the wind in their sails, thanks to GPUs

IFPEN has been carrying out research in the field of floating wind turbines for a number of years, developing, for this purpose, the DeepLines Wind TM simulation tool, in partnership with Principia (1
Science@ifpen n°33
News in brief

Solving sparse linear systems on heterogeneous architectures

Numerical simulation is a strategic tool, complementary to experimental studies, used to gain a precise understanding of complex physical phenomena. With many simulation tools a, performance closely