
Biofuels and e-fuels
Our strengths

  • Scientific and technical expertise stemming from process development, present throughout the biofuel value chain
    • catalysis and biocatalysis,
    • chemical engineering,
    • process engineering,
    • dimensioning and design of pilot units and demonstrators, analysis.
  • Pilot units at the IFP-Lyon site and demonstrators of the key building blocks in the biofuel production chain for application on an industrial scale
    • A value chain approach integrating 
    • technical and economic aspects with cost and profitability analyses 
    • foresight with demand evolution scenarios and impacts on resources (biomass, electricity CO2, etc.)
    • life cycle analyses (LCA) with evaluation of the environmental impacts of each low-carbon fuel production process. This approach makes it possible to identify the levers for improving environmental performances and thus to guide R&D towards technologies with a lower impact on the environment.

>> Read about IFPEN’s solutions in the field of LCA 

  • A trusted third-party role: technical and regulatory expertise, recognized and sought by the public authorities, the sector’s industrial players and the press.

>> Consult the road map relating to the decarbonization of the aviation sector         

 >> Read about Paris Air Lab 2023 



Jean-Philippe Héraud

  • Program manager