Frédéric LANTZ has a DEA in Econometrics and Mathematical economics (1982) and a PhD in Economics (1984) – Université de Paris X-Nanterre. He has also received accreditation to supervise research (2004). He joined IFP School in 1991 after a first experience in research in the field of econometrics and bio-economic modeling at Ifremer, where he was part of the North Sea Working Group for the European Commission. He teaches energy economics, econometrics and operational research for energy and the environment. In parallel, his research work has involved him in the development of IFP Energies nouvelles economic modeling tools. He is in charge of the Join Master's program in Environment, Energy and Transportation Economics with University of Paris-Saclay, University of Paris Nanterre and ENPC.
Indjehagopian J.P., F. Lantz, V. Simon, 2000. Dynamics of heating oil market prices in Europe. Energy Economics vol. 2 (2).
Proost S., Van Regemorter D., Lantz F., Saint-Antonin V., 2000, Limiting air pollution from transport: economic evaluation of policy options for the European Union, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Vol 14, n1-4, p. 320-330
Bene Ch., Cadren M. Lantz F., 2000, Impact of Cultured Shrimp Industry on Wild Shrimp Fisheries: Analysis of Price Determination Mechanisms and Market Dynamics, Agricultural Economics, Vol 23, n°1
Juan S., Lantz F., 2001, La mise en œuvre des techniques de Bootstrap pour la prévision économétrique, application à l'industrie automobile, Oil & Gas Science and Technology. Vol. 56 No. 4
Aji S., S. Tavolaro, F. Lantz, A. Faraj, 2003, Apport du bootstrap à la régression PLS : application à la prédiction de la qualité des gazoles, Oil & Gas Science and Technology, Vol 58, No. 5
Robinson J., Guillotreau P., Jiménez-Toribio R., Lantz F., Nadzon L., Dorizo J., Gerry C., Marsac F., 2010, Impacts of climate variability on the tuna economy of Seychelles, Climate Research, Vol. 43: p. 149-162
Benyoucef A., Lantz F., 2012, "Oil refining planning under petroleum products demand uncertainties: case of Algeria" has been , Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, n°6, p 858-868
Hache E., Lantz F., 2013, "Oil Price Volatility: An Econometric Analysis of the WTI Market", Energy Economics 36, pp. 334–340
Farnoosh A., Lantz F., Percebois J. (2014), “Electricity generation analyses in an oil-exporting country: Transition to non-fossil fuel based power units in Saudi Arabia”. Energy 05/2014; 69. DOI:10.1016/
Chevalier A., Lantz F. (2015), Personal car or shared car? Predicting potential modal shifts from multinomial logit models and bootstrap confidence intervals, Int. J. of Automotive Technology and Management - Vol. 15, No.2 pp. 149 – 170
Farnoosh A, Lantz F (2015) De-carbonization of Electricity Generation in an Oil and Gas Producing Country: A Sensitivity Analysis over the Power Sector in Egypt. J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl 5:176. doi:10.4172/20904541.1000176
Court V., Jouvet P.A., Lantz F. (2018), Long-term endogenous economic growth and energy transitions, The Energy Journal
De Lagarde C. Lantz F., 2018, How renewable production depresses electricity prices: Evidence from the German market, Energy Policy, Vol 117, pp. 263-277
Guedes F., Szklo A., Rochedo P., Lantz F., Magalar L., Vásquez Arroyo E.M. (2019), Climate-energy-water nexus in Brazilian oil refineries, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,
Kpondjo N., Lantz F., Creti A., Pham Van Cang Ch. (2020), The impact of energy costs on industrial performance: identifying price and quantity effects in the aluminum industry using a data envelopment analysis approach, Journal of Energy Markets 13(4), 1–28 DOI: 10.21314/JEM.2020.214
Zhang D., Farnoosh A., Lantz F., 2022, Does something change in the oil market with the COVID-19 crisis?, International Economics 169 (2022) 252–268,
Grekou, C., Hache, E., Lantz, F., Massol, O., Mignon, V., Ragot, L. (2022). La dépendance de l’Europe au gaz russe : état des lieux et perspectives. Revue d’Économie Financière, n° 147, p.227-242
Grekou, C., Hache, E., Lantz, F., Massol, O., Mignon, V., Ragot, L. (2022). Guerre en Ukraine : bouleversements et défis énergétiques en Europe. CEPII Policy Brief, n° 37.
Declerck F., Indjehagopian J.P., Lantz F. (2022), Dynamics of biofuel prices on the European market: the impact of EU environmental policy on resources markets, Journal of Energy Markets 15(1), 1–27, DOI: 10.21314/JEM.2022.010
Guillotreau P., Lantz F., Nadzon L., Rault J., Maury O. (2023). Price Transmission between Energy and Fish Markets: Are Oil Rates Good Predictors of Tuna Prices?, Marine Resource Economics, volume 38, number 1,