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In a few words

Pierre Michel obtained in 2015 a PhD from Université d’Orléans for his thesis work on Hybrid Electric Vehicle energy management. After a post-doc at Argonne National Laboratory on Connected and Automated Vehicles, he participated in the HEV powertrains development at PSA Peugeot Citroën. He joined IFP Energies Nouvelles in 2019 and his research focuses on powertrain energetic modeling, eco-driving algorithms development, and more generally mobility analysis by using control theory and data science.

Research subjects
Webservices development for decision help for vehicles (personal and heavy-duty) change for institutional partners
Mobility modeling and pollutant footprint calculation for cities
Vehicle CO2 en pollutant emissions modeling
  • Pirayre, A., Michel, P., Rodriguez, S. S., & Chasse, A. (2022). Driving behavior identification and real-world fuel consumption estimation with crowdsensing dataIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems23(10), 18378-18391, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3169534 
  • Michel, P., Rodriguez, S. S., Chasse, A., Fontaras, G., Pavlovic, J., Ktistakis, M. A., & Komnos, D. (2021). Conventional Engine Vehicles Model Parametrization for Real-World Fuel Consumption EstimationInternational Transport and Air PollutionConference TAP, Graz, Austria.
  • Philippe Dégeilh, Joseph Kermani, Jules Sery, Pierre Michel. Study of Euro 6d-TEMP emissions - IFPEN for DGEC: Summary report. [Research Report] Ministère de l'Ecologie. 2020, hal-03632915