Cédric Bailly, doctoral researcher at IFPEN, received the best poster award at the Bathurst Meeting of Carbonate Sedimentologists 2019 held in Mallorca last July.
Carbonate reservoirs present significant heterogeneities (in terms of types and scales) associated with the biological origin of sediments c, as well as the diagenetic transformations that took place
Dr B Noetinger, editor-in-chief STET https://www.stet-review.org/, expert in transport modeling in disordered media
Benoît Noetinger graduated from the École Polytechnique in Paris, and holds a thesis at UPMC (now Sorbonne University) in liquid state physics, the work of which was carried out at the PMMH laboratory
Research Engineer / Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Thibaud Chevalier joined IFP Energies nouvelles in 2016 as a research engineer in the Physics and Analysis department. From 2021 to 2023, he has also been Lab manager for NMR, HPMI, SAXS, XRD, SEM and
Director of the Economics and Technology Intelligence Division
Mickaele Le Ravalec studied earth sciences at EOST, Strasbourg, before obtaining a PhD in rock physics from the University of Rennes (1995) and an HDR from the University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg
Over the past ten years, IFPEN has been conducting research on the geochemical monitoring of the geological storage of CO 2, in order to gain a better understanding of the natural water flows that may
For processes involving gas injection, such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR a) and CO 2 storage operations, the use of foam makes it easier to control gas mobility. Improving these processes requires
In many geological reservoirs, pore size distribution is highly heterogeneous (from 2 to 50 nm). While the molecular size of the confined fluids is between 0.5 and 10 nm, their interaction forces with
Low permeability geological layers, already known within the context of oil exploration, are once again becoming a focus of interest for energy (compressed air), gas (CO 2, H 2, CH 4) and waste
Natural underground fractures in rocks provide fluids with preferential flow pathways. The resulting global permeability is exploited for energy production ( geothermal energy and oil and gas recovery